
Google Merchant Centre

  • Great performance in terms of cost recovery.
  • Often the main source of conversions.
  • Fast advertising coverage for the entire e-shop.
  • High relevance and quality of acquired customers - the user sees the product image and especially the price.

About the service

Google Shopping is one of the top sources of revenue in online advertising. They work on a similar principle and are therefore a direct competitor of the comparison shopping sites and They show users all the important product information before they click through to your site. Therefore, you will get only the most relevant users to your e-shop, who are more likely to buy. 

Google Shopping campaigns are set up in your Google Ads account. The prerequisite for running a campaign is an active Google Merchant Center account, which is linked to Google Ads. In the Merchant Center account, you need to verify the website or add shipping data if it is not part of the XML feed. The XML feed that is uploaded to Merchant Center passes data about the products offered to Google Ads. It contains all essential information such as product name, product description, price, stock availability, image link and other product parameters.

While most of the Google Ads ads are created by the user, the ads in the Shopping campaign are created automatically by Google based on the feed information. Therefore, for this type of campaign, a high-quality XML feed containing all mandatory and, if possible, all optional items is important.

These add-ons connect you to the service: