• Connecting Upgates via API

Attention! Information regarding the paid API is provided here in advance for your information. We had originally planned to introduce both fees and limits on September 2, 2024, but based on feedback and the needs of our partners, we have decided to postpone charging until January 6, 2025. However, limits will be introduced on September 2, 2024. The unpaid API will remain when using add-ons marked with the "verified" label.


What is the Upgates API

An API is an application programming interface used to pass data between Upgates and other applications in a formalized way. Upgates offers a public API that allows anyone to submit content to or receive content from the service.

A large number of offered add-ons are controlled and continuously connected through the API interface. A big advantage of this technology is the constant updating of data, which can be synchronized in two or more places at the same time.

Thanks to the API, you can work with data in the system (insert, update, read, delete) in real time and connect, for example, your accountant, ERP, or other system with Upgates. So when you update, for example, the inventory value of a warehouse in Upgates, the application creates an API request to change the status in another system.

User vs. Partner API

The API is divided into two parts: User and Partner.

User API

It serves Upgates clients to connect their own tool, or a 3rd party that is not currently part of the Upgates partner program and does not have its own verified add-on.
This part of the API is paid according to the current price list. If you wish to use the free API, it is necessary to rework the 3rd party / your tool into a Partner api and a verified add-on.

API Limits (Limits)

User API is subject to set limits. Each Upgates client has an e-shop in a certain tariff according to the current price list. Each tariff has its own API limit, which limits the number of calls to the given API. Once the limit is reached the API will not work for some time. You can find a list of these limits in our APIary documentation.

What to do if the limits are not enough for you?

If the basic limits in the API are not enough for you and you need more, we recommend that you first check whether your API connection could be optimized.
Best Practices for using the API, we clearly listed in our APIary documentation. If you don't know how to optimize your API and want to know what to improve in your connection, don't hesitate to contact our technical support through the ticketing system in your administrations.

If you have optimized the API on your side, but your e-shop is so large that, despite the optimization, you reach basic limits. You can increase the given limits.
You can do the increase in your administration in the Add-ons / API - Restrictions and prices section.
Here in the Request Limits section, you can use "+" and "-" to set the number of packages that will raise the given limit. Subsequently, once you have set the number of packages, confirm your selection with the Save button.

If you are exceeding the limit and do not know how much you should set within the given limit of requests, you can use the Set recommended limit button in the message that alerts you to exceeding the limit. The system will automatically set the recommended limit so that you have enough space to operate through your user API.
The maximum number of packages is 60, which corresponds to 60,000 requests per day. 99% of all e-shops should fit within this limit.

If you have additional questions, you can take a look at the most frequently solved situations with the API in our article.

Partner API

It is intended for agencies that want to offer their add-on to Upgates clients. Partner APIs are not covered by the paid portion of the API.
Clients using a connection via a verified agentruy add-on have a free API connection.
If you are an agency and are interested in a verified plugin, you can learn more about it in our developer section.

How to recognize a verified add-on in the administration?

Viewing a verified add-on in Administration

View a verified add-on in the Marketplace

Limiting the number of requests

The number of requests is compiled from the basic limit according to the selected tariff from the business model (price list). and an individual limit that each client can determine (purchase) himself.


So how does it work?

  • Each limit is made up of hourly and daily number of requests.
  • Once the hourly limit is exceeded, it is drawn from the additional daily limit.
  • As soon as the hourly and daily limits are exceeded, you always have to wait until the beginning of the next hour with further requests, when the number of requests per hour is reset.
  • Your developer is informed about the current status of the number of requests in individual limits (per day and hour) in the API communication response. As soon as the limits are exceeded, the API communication will not work and the API will return a message to your developer, notifying him that the limit has been exceeded.

* An hour is the interval starting from the first second to the last second of a given hour.
** A day is an interval starting from the first second to the last second of a given day.

Number of base limit requests:

TariffHourly limitDaily limitTotal
Exclusive10015003900 (+ individual expansion options)

Number of individual limit requests:

This individual limit is made up of separate "packages", which are made up of 1000 requests. These 1000 requests are split between a daily and an hourly limit.

25 requests per hour and 400 per day.

Total of 600 (25 requests x 24 hours) + 400 daily = 1000

The maximum number of packages that can be purchased is 60. This corresponds to 60,000 requests per day. If you need an even higher limit, please contact technical support.



See the publicly available documentation for specific API options.

Upgates API complies with REST principles.It is possible to connect to API Upgates using unique access. This is a security measure so that your data cannot be accessed by an unauthorized person.