
  • Connection with the e-mailing platform
  • Two-way synchronization of contacts in real time
  • Transfer of data from orders, categories and discount coupons
  • Measurement script for customer behavior
  • Data transfer for the automation of the abandoned cart
  • Tagging contacts according to data from the e-shop
  • Communicate with customers via email, SMS, Facebook or Instagram

What will the add-on bring you?

Once you start the integration, all new contacts (and their data, orders etc.) from your orders from Upgates will be transferred to Ecomail in real time to the selected list. Historical orders will also be transferred.

The integration also allows the transfer of discount coupons, which will be transferred to the selected folder.

For contacts who click through the link in the newsletter, the movement on the site is also tracked and abandoned cart information is collected.

Is this addon appropriate for you?

There are many tools for sending mass emails, and they often have very similar basic functionality. How is Ecomail different and how can it help you?

Benefits and features of Ecomail

  • Reliable deliverability even to CZ and SK servers
  • Drag & drop editor for creating responsive newsletters
  • Automated and targeted communication with customers
  • Detailed campaign performance statistics
  • Automatic inflection, holiday and gender determination
  • Unlimited segment options
  • Integration with more than 20 platforms
  • Online support in Czech language
  • Wide range of online training, consulting and other services

The functions of the tool are adapted to the needs of Czech and Slovak e-shops. Thanks to the simple environment of the whole application, even a complete beginner can prepare his first mailing. The tool is in Czech - apart from regular mailings, you can easily set up more complex functions. If you don't know what to do, you can contact the online chat support or attend a training session or workshop. Deliverability to Czech and Slovak servers are a priority for Ecomail. For basic and advanced features at an affordable price, check out the tariff list.

Why Ecomail?

Here are 10 reasons to choose our app.

Who is it for?

Ecomail is a solution for e-shops of different sizes. The novice e-shopper can actively build a database of contacts using pop-up forms and use the application for regular mailings. Medium and large e-shops can take advantage of all the advanced features and take their email marketing performance to the next level.

What does the supplement enable?

  • Automatic synchronization of new contacts (1x per day)
  • Transfer of contact data (address, first and last name, contact source, country)
  • Products from orders are transferred to the contact
  • The application automatically generates the contact's address and holiday 
  • Transfer of discount coupons

Activation of the add-on is done in a few minutes

  1. Create an account with Ecomail 
  2. In Ecomail, under Account Management - Integrations, select Upgates
  3. Select the contact list where your contacts will be transferred
  4. Enter the name of your e-shop from the URL (before "", do not enter the full address)
  5. Copy the Upgates API key, URL and login from Upgates administration and paste them into Ecomail
  6. Select the folder for discount coupons and confirm the link
  7. You're done

How is it to work with Ecomail?


Ecomail Resources

Last update:

Features of this add-on:
  • Emailing
  • Abandoned baskets
  • Declension of names
  • Greetings for the holidays
  • Email templates
  • Discount coupons