
  • Installment sales.
  • In order to use the instalment sales service, you must first contact Essox regarding the terms of cooperation.
  • You can activate the add-on for connecting the Essox system with the e-shop by following the help.

More about Essox

Does your e-shop scare long queues in crowded stores? Thanks to Essox, they can stay at home and buy goods from you in installments! From $ 200 to $ 500,000. From anywhere! They can do everything directly via the Internet and the assessment of whether a loan will be granted to them is also done online. And it only takes a few minutes. Everything is so fast and convenient.

Benefits of buying online with Essox installments

1) Online loan application directly on the website of your e-shop

2) Approve your loan application in minutes

3) The e-shop customer concludes the contract conveniently and quickly online

4) Ability to also take out solvency insurance

More information about Installment payments

You can find more information about the installment sale here.

Our connection does not receive feedback from Essox on the status of installment sales. Therefore, there is no automatic change in the status of the order or marking as paid, etc. The status must be verified directly with Essox and then manually process the order in the e-shop.

The addon enables connection to the following services: