
  • Export products to Dynamic Product Ads.
  • Facebook Pixel conversion tracking.
  • Administration within the Links / Facebook section.

Dynamic Product Ads

  • Export Upgates products to Dynamic Product Ads.

Automatically promote your most relevant items.

Facebook dynamic ads automatically show the right products to people who have shown interest on your site, app, or elsewhere on the Internet. Just upload your product catalog and set up your campaign once. Then the campaign will work for you for as long as you want. It will find the right people for each product and will always work with current prices and availability information.

Customize your bid.

Show people products that match their interests, whether they’ve visited your site or app.

Complete your sale.

Re-target shoppers on the web or mobile app to remind them of the items they viewed but didn't buy.

Facebook Pixel

  • Connect to Facebook Pixel Remarketing.

Track cross-device conversions

Find out how your cross-device ads affect conversions.

Optimize ad delivery to people who are likely to take action

Make sure your ads show to people who are most likely to take the desired action.

Create custom user circles from your site visitors

Dynamic ads will help you automatically show your site visitors the products they viewed on your site (or related products).

Learn about website traffic

The Facebook pixel panel provides a wealth of information about how people use your site.

Facebook Reviews

The link is available via a addon Elfsight.

Facebook Chat

The link is available via a addon Messenger.

The addon enables connection to the following services: