
  • Targeted newsletters and email automation - abandoned cart rescue, first purchase discount, holiday cards, retention campaigns, welcome email (series), contest.
  • Popups offering an intuitive drag & drop editor.
  • Customer segmentation by behavior.
  • Advanced personalization of customer communication.
  • Connection using your own conversion codes - activate according to the help.
  • API connection.

Learn more about Leadhub

Leadhub is an email marketing and marketing automation tool that delivers the right message to recipients at the right time. Leadhub helps increase e-shop turnover with minimal time and financial investment.

How Leadhub works

  1. Leadhub handles millions of events in real time. Collects data from your e-shop. It records all customer activity, from opening an email or clicking on an ad, to viewing a page or product, to the progress of a purchase.
  2. Evaluates the collected data and can divide your customers into specifically defined segments. At the same time, it can legally and ethically expand your contact database.
  3. You can then deliver a personalized message to your customers via e-mail via Leadhub, via soc. network or sms. You can automate this communication. Everything is evaluated in real time.

Leadhub options and features

  • targeted newsletters
  • Email Automation - Rescue Abandoned Cart, First Purchase Discount, Holiday Wishes, Retention Campaigns, Welcome Email (Series), Contest
  • targeted poppies
  • Intuitive drag & drop editor
  • Facebook links and Facebook Lead ads
  • Behavior segmentation of customers
  • Advanced customer communication personalization
  • Advanced Analytics
  • Contact details - detailed information about your customers and subscribers. What customer database is the customer logged in to or, conversely, when he logged out, what products he has in the cart, which pages he visited, which campaigns he received, etc.

The main benefits of Leadhub

  • Unrivaled ROI - You won't find a better return on investment across marketing channels and tools. What you spend on Leadhub is a negligible amount compared to how much you can earn.
  • Works for you - You set up automatic campaigns once, and they work without your intervention and make money. For example, you can run a pre-made First Purchase Discount Campaign (most successful) immediately after installing Leadhub.
  • Easy segmentation and personalization - Leadhub lets you deliver content tailored to your interests, shopping behavior, preferences, or activities. You will address the recipient by name and offer them information and goods that will be important to them.
  • Pre-built automatic campaigns - no need to grope and nothing to wait
  • Support - a Czech tool, Czech support that is prompt and helpful.

Leadhub resources:

Manual - Master Leadhub in Minutes

Webinars for the best email marketing strategy </ p>


Educational articles

The addon enables connection to the following services: