
  • Blocks advertising for bots and fake users.
  • Advertise to real buyers, not bots.
  • Save up to 25% on unnecessary ad spend by eliminating invalid traffic.

Convert Wasted Ad Spend Into Revenue Growth

Automatically remove bots and fake ad engagements across all your paid marketing channels including Google, Meta, TikTok, LinkedIn, and more.

Why Lunio?

  • Maximise Marketing Efficiency
    It’s time to stop paying for clicks that will never convert. Make your marketing budget go further by eliminating waste from your campaigns.

  • Sort Good From Bad
    Lunio detects every single click on your paid ads with zero latency and uses machine learning to categorise each one as invalid, suspicious, or legitimate.

  • Committed to Net Zero
    Working in partnership with Eden Reforestation Projects, we carbon offset the effects of processing traffic for all our clients by at least 10x.
The addon enables connection to the following services: