
  • Slovak comparison site advertising goods from more than 8 000 online shops.
  • The catalogue indexes 3 000 000 products.
  • The connection is made using the Heureka feed, which is inserted into NajNá

NajNá is an internet portal that has been providing its visitors with information about online shops and their products since 2007. It is a starting point for internet shopping. In one place you can search for goods, compare the offers of individual sellers and find the best price for you. The aim is to provide you with enough objective information needed for your purchasing decision. 

NajNá helps online shop operators to find and reach new groups of customers and visibly increase the turnover of these online shops. It is a cost-effective advertising and marketing channel.

  • Take a look at our traffic statistics.
  • We cooperate with more than 8.000 online shops.
  • In the catalogue 3.000.000 products are indexed, in total the portal displays 20.0000.000 prices.

 All services and information are available free of charge to regular visitors, in particular:

  • Price search for products in online shops.
  • Displaying information about the shops (pictures, descriptions, parameters, etc.).
  • Comparing products.
  • Informing about price changes of goods.
  • Displaying historical changes of goods (graph).
  • Displaying reviews and ratings of products and eshops.
The addon enables connection to the following services: