
  • Pop-up customer alerts for recent orders, registrations, current visitors, reviews, etc.
  • Effective passive promotion to drive incremental sales.
  • Connection to a third party service


1) Kód pixelu k propojení najdete v administraci Notifikuj pod Instalace pixelu.

2) Ten stačí jednoduše zkopírovat a vložit do administrace e-shopu dle návodu zde.  

Increase order quantity by 7-18%!

Notifikuj to see real marketing events, which the visitor cannot normally learn about.

The goal is clear - capture, build trust, and encourage purchase

What can Notifikuj do?

Recent orders

Show off how busy you are! Show visitors the recently received orders that you are currently processing. Encourage the undecided to take action. Motivate to buy right from you and right now.

Last registered

Another visitor subscribed to the news and received a discount coupon for the first purchase? Tell others not to miss the opportunity to get your benefits for yourself.

Current visitors

See in real time how many people are viewing a given page or the entire web. Show the queue of customers who decide to buy right now and with you. Do you know a better way to entice the event?

Summary statistics

Count the total number of people who have visited the site or completed your purchase and proudly display them on the web. Show how popular and interesting your site is.

Heureka Reviews and Ratings

How to convince hesitant visitors? View the best reviews and purchase ratings from or anywhere on the web. Support the decision to purchase with authentic proof.

Product Reviews and Ratings

Don't sell yourself! Let satisfied customers speak. View the best product reviews or satisfaction ratings with Zboží.cz anywhere on the web.


The addon enables connection to the following services: