
  • Easy creation of Claims, Returns and other cases by the customer
  • Manage created cases and refunds
  • Monitoring deadlines and communication with the customer

Retino is a return and claim self-service that does not force the customer to print and ensures a modern and efficient start-up process. We will help solve returns and complaints faster than ever before, in one place in a clear administration. In the add-on, you can see all currently open cases, ordered shipments, deadlines, customer history, return statistics, and more.

Linking rented e-shops Upgates with Retino allows:

  • Save 75% of your time spent handling returns and claims
  • Automate communication, logging, or refunds
  • Implement perfect order status records and appointment monitoring 
  • Font-weight: 400; 
  • Via the API or webcams automate credit memos
  • Check return statistics and customer satisfaction
  • Quick launch without complicated integration!
  • Get the best support for your reverse processes ❤️


Features of this add-on:
  • Complaint
  • Returns
  • Refunds