
  • It checks 3 basic metrics CLS, FID, LCP. For each, you have daily charts divided into mobile and desktop.
  • Each day it checks the number of pages indexed in Google and Seznam search engines, new backlinks, reviews and so on.

Do you want to have the technical condition of your e-shop under control? SEOwebmaster simply helps with this. What can this tool do?

Check the indexing of your e-shop pages

Regularly checks the indexing of your e-shop pages on Google and Seznam. You have not only an overview of the number of indexed pages, but also about the correctness of indexing. This makes it easy to avoid inaccessible pages (error 404) that you can redirect. If the indexed pages decrease by more than 10%, you are then notified automatically.

Check backlinks

On a daily basis, the tool also checks for new backlinks to your e-shop from external sites. This gives you an idea of ​​whether the links from external websites are working or whether someone has removed them. Therefore, you do not have to use Ahrefs services.

OnPage control

The inspection also covers duplicate content, which in the eyes of search engines is harmful to your e-shop. Thanks to SEOwebmaster, you have duplicate titles or descriptions of up to 200 e-shop subpages under control. You also avoid broken internal web linking. As part of this tool function, 35 different tests are performed on each page.


The addon enables connection to the following services: