Slevy správně

  • Monitors and sets standard prices in the e-shop - for correct display of product discounts in accordance with the new legislation valid from 6 January 2023
  • Record price history and provide supporting documents for the CTIA - every 6 hours record product prices and keep their history for 3 years for possible CTIA inspection
  • Checks and reports wrongly set standard prices - you can see the number of products with wrongly set prices in the dashboard, the specific products affected in the table, you can also be informed about the current status in a weekly email report
  • Calculates the "correct" standard price - according to all variants defined by law, including "gradual price reduction"
  • Automatically corrects errors and sets the correct standard price - for all or only the products you select, or remove the standard price, the selection of products for individual actions can be very precisely set
  • Works seamlessly even if you use Napojse or Datadapo - solves a potential conflict of parallel updates of standard prices in the e-shop
  • Increases your productivity with smart management of product discounts
  • Free trial for 30 days - to test and collect the necessary length of price history

The Slevy správně application helps e-shops to solve the current problem of correctly calculating the current prices of products, which serve as a reference for calculating and presenting discounts, according to the new legislation effective from 6 January 2023.

The application regularly downloads product prices from the e-shop and stores their history, on the basis of which it then calculates the "correct" reference current price. It then sets this price in the e-shop for selected product groups defined by the user.

Why use this addon?

 The obligation to correctly display discounts on products is required by new legislation effective from 6 January 2023 and all B2C e-shops must comply with it. Failure to comply carries a risk:

  • Customer withdrawal from the contract (and retrospectively).
  • The customer can retrospectively claim a reasonable discount
  • Penalty of up to 5 million. 5 Kč Add-on and application Discounts correctly
  • Ensures 100% correct display of discounts according to the new law
  • Eliminates the risk of penalties for incorrectly displayed discounts
  • Increases your productivity with smart management of product discounts 

The addon enables connection to the following services: