
  • Transformation of supplier feeds into Upgates data file.
  • Compare competition prices and improve positions.

We produce conversion bridges in XML from your supplier's source data. We will analyze the data provided by the supplier for your e-shop and program a data bridge, which will ensure that the data can be imported correctly.

We will provide stock and price updates in hourly or daily intervals. Only then will you keep your dates and prices up to date.

We will allow you to translate supplier categories into yours. The system allows you to translate the categories of suppliers exactly into the ones you want in your e-shop.

Custom rules interface. Multiply your prices, translate names or availability into your own names. The rules can be general for the entire feed or specific to individual products.

Competitive price comparison. We will load the prices of your competitors and allow you to monitor their movements daily with a single click. You can easily find out whether you should make your product more expensive or cheaper. Pricing will now be a breeze.

Improving product rankings in search engines and comparators. Thanks to the overview of competitor prices, we can also ensure the correct pricing of the output feed. The machine monitors everything for you.