• Manual export of orders for label printing.

Orders can be transferred to the WEDO system by exporting to CSV format. Follow the instructions for exporting orders to obtain this file. Import the obtained file into the WEDO carrier's system. It contains all the necessary information to set up a dispatch for which you can subsequently order a collection.

Tracking URL Uloženka

Optimization for Uloženka

Optimization is performed by adding predefined fields. More info.

  • Order export note #1 (export_shipment_note) - in this field you enter an abbreviation for the type of delivery (eg HD, VM, etc.). A current list of delivery types can be requested from the WEDO sales department. Depending on the type of delivery, other necessary columns will be automatically filled in the CSV export for WEDO.
  • Order export note #2 thanks to this field, you can set a value for column 56 (*Product), which will then be generated in the manual WEDO order export.
  • Insurance (insurance_yn) - a field influencing if the insurance value of a shipment is generated to the CSV export for Uloženka. This is a check box. If this field is not activated or is checked, then the insurance value will be inserted into the CSV export for Uloženka. When the field is empty, no insurance will be generated.

*  column Product

  • Request WE|DO product
    WE|DO product, is a product within the transport services provided by Allegro Retail in accordance with the general terms and conditions of Allegro Retail, published here, to be used for delivery
  • Product abbreviation The product list can be requested from the WE|DO sales department.
  • It is based on the WE|DO documentation
The addon enables connection to the following services: