

  • Inventory synchronization between the store and the marketplace
  • Possible automatic bid termination when a product is out of stock in the store, as well as automatic reordering when restocked
  • automatic price synchronization between the marketplace and the store, including the possibility to set custom pricing rules between them

About the service

Do you have your own online store on Upgates and want to list your bids on Aukro ? BaseLinker helps you manage your sales by combining both channels in one system. The integration works both ways, i.e. you can quickly list and synchronize product listings on the marketplace, directly using your store's warehouse and also by downloading orders from Aukro to the BaseLinker dashboard (and then forwarding them to Upgates).

Decide where to handle orders from the marketplace and store - whether in BaseLinker or in the Upgates dashboard. Consider managing all your sales in BaseLinker from the start, as you may want to link multiple marketplace accounts and store platforms as your business grows. The system greatly speeds up the order fulfillment process with innovative tools like Pick & Pack Assistant and automated actions.

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