Slovenská pošta - Balíkobox

  • Automatic expedition via Balikobot and Chameleoon.
  • Automatic setting of the carrier's network of dispensing points.

Slovak Post, a. s., is a leading provider of modern communication, distribution and payment services on the domestic market, with created logistics conditions for doing business in Central and Eastern Europe.

It is a trusted broker that meets the changing needs of customers and also offers new products and comprehensive solutions with added value and high quality of service.

Establishment of Slovenská pošta:
1. January 1993

Since March 1, 1996, Slovenská pošta, a.s., has had its registered office in Banská Bystrica. Transformation of Slovenská pošta, does not receive subsidies from the state budget.

As at 31 December 2018, Slovenská pošta offered its services through 1,534 post offices, as well as through 42 Partner Post Offices, 70 post centers, 5 mobile post offices and 14 - Contractual expenses. Delivery of packages was also ensured through 45 PackageBOXes and collection of letters via 4,746 mailboxes.

Tracking of shipments Slovenská pošta

Allows only manual search by shipment code:

Setting up delivery to affiliates

If you check the box Activate affiliates BalíkoBOX, then only BalíkoBOX affiliates are imported. Affiliates that are not included do not belong to BalíkoBOX.

The addon enables connection to the following services: